Monday, March 19, 2012


         Hey there! I've never done a blog before so I don't really know what I'm doing here. I was never even good at keeping up with a diary as a child, even though I wanted to keep one, but I figure I'll give this a shot because I really would like to share my daily experiences as a stay at home mommy/housewife, but mainly because I want to document all that I can of my son's life and any future kids I have that way I never forger a second of their precious little lives.
         I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is Kristan Turner. I'm 21 years old. I was born as Kristan Summers on August 9, 1990. I live in small town Oklahoma. So many people here talk about how they just want an opportunity to leave because small town life is just too boring. I'm the odd one out I guess lol. I love it here! I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. I get panic attacks just driving in bigger cities when I'm visiting so I know I could never handle actually living in a bigger place. This place may not have much to do and it may have it's problems, but it's my home, and home is where the heart is. I love my little town and my great state of Oklahoma. We have some very friendly, caring people here. I mean, yes we do have our fair share of crazies and jerks here also, but what place doesn't?
         I'm married to my very best friend, Jake Turner. We've been married almost three years. We were married on May 16, 2009. We are without a doubt made for each other. I couldn't imagine having to face life without him. I plan on doing an entry later about our love story.
         We had our amazing little boy, Aiden Lewis on July 1, 2010. That little boy made living take on a new meaning. I no longer look at life as just something we do, but as something that defiantly has a purpose.  For millions of years people have been questioning the meaning of life. I personally think that life has a different meaning for everyone, and that little boy is the meaning of mine. I was always destined to be his mommy. As long as I raise him to be the best man he can be and to live a full and happy existence, my life wont be wasted and my destiny will be fulfilled. He had a little bit of a rough start, but is thriving now. That's also a story for another day though.
         My husband and my mom are my best friends. I talk to my mom everyday, multiple times a day. I know there's no way I could have ever made it this far without her. She helped me through many rough times and helped me to realize my strengths and my beauty. She never failed to support me, to be my shoulder to cry on, to give the perfect advice(even if I was too stubborn to take it sometimes).
         I look forward to this experience of documenting my life on here. I'm very far from living an exciting life. In fact, my life's pretty much routine. I don't even leave the house very often. But between my son, husband and friends, who are always doing or saying something crazy, I don't have much of an opportunity to be bored and I think I'll have enough to write about on a regular basis. I plan on writing as much as possible, whenever I have something to write about but I will try my best to do an entry at least once a week. My entries may vary a little. They will usually be just regular updates and will be all good things as I'm almost always in a good mood and don't let the little things bring me down, but I'm sure at times there will be sad entries, or mad entries, or maybe even frustrated rants. I'm not going to lie about things. If things aren't going that great, I will write about it. I feel that that will be a good thing for me. If I use this blog as my outlet, to really let out how I feel, I will be able to move past whatever may be bothering me at the time. I fell this will be a great medicine for me.
         Well, as I said, I look forward to this experience and can't wait to see how well I'm able to capture the everyday little things that happen in my life for what they really are.....everyday miracles. The smallest things are something to be thankful for and could be something to remember. I hope I don't start looking past those little things. There's already so much of my life that I wish I would've documented so I could remember forever and I didn't. I don't want to make the mistake again. I will try not to overlook even the smallest details as one day I may look back and realize that it was, in reality, a huge blessing.
          I hope to be doing my next entry in a day or two. I may even try to do a daily entry, but I don't know how that will work out lol.
         See y'all soon!
                   ~Kristan <3